Past Clients

Outdoor festivals

Christchurch World Buskers Festival, New Zealand

Vancouver Buskers Festival, Canada

Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Scotland

Edmonton Fringe Theatre Festival, Canada

Granville Island Buskers, Canada

Linz Pflasterspektakel, Austria

Rotterdam Straatfestival, Netherlands

Nelson Buskers Festival, New Zealand

Vevey Festival Artists de Rue, Switzerland (Jury's prize 2005)

Heringsdorfer Kleinkunst Festival, Germany (1st place Kinder Jury prize 2005)

Berlin Lacht, Germany

Hofkirchen Gauklerfest, Austria

Hamburger Strassenkunstfest, Germany

Zurich Theaterspektakel, Switzerland

Lenzburger Gauklerfestival, Switzerland

Badener Strassenfest, Austria

Bruck-an-der-Mur Strassenfest, Austria

Feldkircher Gauklerfest, Austria

Paderborn Kleinkunst Festival, Germany

Crema Femme Street Arts Festival, Italy

Lubeck Kleinkunstfest, Germany

Grindelwald Strassenfest, Switzerland

Keiler Kleinkunstfest, Germany

Thuner Strassenkunst Festival, Switzerland

Jeux du Castrum,  Switzerland

Interlaken Street Performers Festival, Switzerland

Keiler Woche, Germany 

Tuttlingen Gauklerfest, Germany

Alexandra Blossom Festival, New Zealand

Dragonboats Festival, New Zealand

Flower Festival, New Zealand

Christchurch Adventure Festival (highwire at 46 metres)


Whirling Bros Circus, New Zealand

Circus Aotearoa, New Zealand


Patch Adams NZ Tour

Heart Children Variety Tour

Urban Paradise

Pomeroy’s Laugh Inn

No. 8 Wired Show

Mid-winter Christmas Child Hope Variety Show

Canteen Christmas Charity Show

Circus of Toys South Island Tour

Urban Drift

'Three Little Pigs’ – Festival of Romance

Circus Cocktails


‘The Lost World’, BBC Film

TV3 News

Campbell Live

Good Morning

What Now



Telstra Saturn


Auckland Sky City Casino

Australian Farmers Federation

Librarians Conference, Christchurch

Target Homes Launch, Canada


King Kong Premiere, Wellington 

Pacific National Exhibition, Vancouver

Fiji Showcase, Suva

Netherlands Juggling Convention

NZ Juggling Convention Public Show

Christchurch Casino Masters Golf Tournament

Taupo Round The Lakes Race

Massey University Bizarre Ball

Friends of Children in Hospital, NZ

Girl Guides Annual Meeting, Whistler, CA